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Foodbank inquiry visits North East Fife

Updated: Mar 23, 2023

The All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Ending the Need for Foodbanks visited North East Fife on Wednesday last week. Wendy Chamberlain, co-chairs the group and is convener of its current inquiry.

The APPG is exploring the different ways communities and all levels of government can respond to support people experiencing a short-term financial crisis, and their role in ending the need for food banks. This includes food, other in-kind help (such as vouchers) and cash-based support.

The group visited Tayport’s Larick Centre to see its community fridge initiative before holding a roundtable meeting with foodbanks from different parts of Fife, as well as Fife Council’s Community Partnership and the North East Fife Community Hub.

The group also visited the East Neuk Recovery Group Initiative which provides mental health support, the East Neuk Foodbank, and the Cottage Family Centre’s Big Hoose project which provides household items to families facing hardship.

Speaking after the visit, Wendy Chamberlain said:

“I was glad to be able to bring this important inquiry to North East Fife. I want to thank the local organisations which participated in our roundtable discussion, as well as the Larick Centre for hosting the meeting.

“This visit was a chance to highlight how these local groups support people struggling to make ends meet. Now more than ever, their work is vital.

“None of us want a society where foodbanks are necessary. Part of the work of the APPG which I co-chair is looking at what other options there are to allow people to receive support in the most effective and dignified way. I hope that when our report is published the government will consider our findings seriously.”


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