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Fewer than half of people seen on time at Fife A&E

Updated: Feb 17, 2023

The number of people being seen at emergency departments in Fife within the target of four hours has dropped to 49.5% in the most recent weekly figures.

The figures for the week ending 1 January were the second-worst on record, with only one week in December coming in lower at 48.2%. 142 people were left waiting over twelve hours, the second-highest number recorded.

The Scottish Government’s target is that 95% of patients are seen within four hours.

Wendy's reaction:

“NHS staff are being tested to the very limit by an atrocious winter crisis. They deserve every bit of gratitude, respect, and fair pay. The reality is however that they are being let down by a Scottish Government which has waited months to recognise the scale of the crisis.”


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